Spiritual Life

Christian Community

Growing in faith

Christ is at the center of everything we do — from academics to athletics to small group worship to our friendships. It’s not that our school is perfect — no school can claim that. But we do know we have God’s perfect forgiveness and that makes getting through the high school years much easier.

At Lutheran High School South, you can find many ways to grow in your faith and share your faith with others. The faculty and staff are here for you, too. If you’ve got a problem, they’ll not only talk with you — they’ll pray with you.

At Lutheran South, we have opportunities every day to grow in our faith — it might be a message in chapel that really makes us think, or someone we pray for in small group that helps us remember that God is in control. It might be something learned in a theology class, or a story from a teacher. When we face challenges and obstacles, we have people we can turn to that will help us look at everything from God’s point of view.

Our Commitment to Service

We do not require a specific amount of service hours at Lutheran South; rather, we focus on inspiring our students to regularly serve in our school and community, translating into lifelong serving leaders who will continue to add value to our world.  We celebrate that, on average, our students graduate with more than 100 hours of service.

School Theme

All of us, but especially teenagers, know first hand that the devil incessantly bombards us with lies against knowing their true identity in Christ. 

Focusing on the theme, "Remember Who[se] You Are" (I John 3:1), our students will constantly be reminded this year of their identity as God's princes and princesses, children of the one true King, loved and saved by Jesus. 

"See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!" - I John 3:1
Inspiring students through a Christ-centered lens to live courageously and serve faithfully